How to write a story with Sing Me a Story


This blog post will serve as a writing guide for Sing Me a Story, a new Forge program for children of breast cancer patients and survivors! This guide provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to create and help your child create their own story that will be turned into a unique song. Whether you’re writing an imaginary tale, sharing a real-life experience, or blending both, this guide will help you through the process.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies and Get Excited!
First things first, gather your supplies. You will need:
● A pencil or pen for writing.
● Coloring tools such as crayons, markers, or colored pencils.
● Paper or a notebook (can be picked up at Forge) for your story.
Get excited! You’re about to embark on a creative journey where your story will come to life through music.

Step 2: Select a Type of Story
Decide on the type of story you want to write. There are several options but these are three popular ones:
1. Imaginary Story: Let your imagination run wild. Think about magical worlds, superhero adventures, or talking animals.
2. Real-Life Story: Share a personal experience, a special memory, or something important from your life.
3. Combination Story: Mix elements of reality with fantasy for a unique blend.

Step 3: Setting
Describe where and when your story takes place. This could be a specific location, time of day, or even a particular weather condition. Use the five senses to make your setting vivid:
● Sight: What do you see around you?
● Sound: What can you hear?
● Smell: Are there any distinct smells?
● Touch: What can you feel?
● Taste: Are there any tastes associated with this setting?

Step 4: Characters
Think about who your story is about. Create interesting characters by considering the following:
● Appearance: What do they look like? Do they have any distinctive features?
● Personality: What are their likes and dislikes? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
● Special Traits: What is their story? Where do they come from? What are their dreams and fears? What makes them unique or special?

Step 5: Create a Conflict

Every good story needs a conflict or problem that the characters must face. Describe the main challenge and consider the following:
● The Problem: What challenge or obstacle do the characters encounter? It could be something big like saving the world or something small like finding a lost toy.
● Feelings: How do the characters feel about the problem? Are they scared, excited, worried or determined?
● Reactions: How do other characters react to the problem? Do they help or hurt the main character?

Step 6: Resolution
Resolve the conflict by showing how the characters overcome the problem. Think about:
● Actions: What steps do the characters take to overcome the problem?
● Success or Failure: Are they successful in solving the problem? If not, what do they learn from their experience?
● Conclusion: What happens after the problem is resolved? How do the characters feel? How has the experience changed them?

Step 7: Illustrate Your Story
Add illustrations to your story to bring it to life. Draw pictures of the characters, the setting, and key events. Be sure to:
● Cover Art: Create a cover page with a title and an illustration that represents your story.
● Story Illustrations: Draw pictures to accompany the key events in your story. This could include characters, settings, and important moments.
● Details: Use colors and details to make your illustrations vivid and expressive.

Step 8: Submit Your Story
Once your story is complete, return it to Forge. Your story will be sent off to be turned into a one-of-a-kind song. And don’t worry, you’ll get to keep your book!

Additional Resources
For more examples and inspiration, visit the Sing Me a Story website. You can see how other stories have been transformed into songs.

Happy writing!

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